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Home: Welcome

– T.S. Eliot

I am a Graphics Programmer and Engine Programmer. I have worked professionally on Redfall at Arkane Studios, Austin. I got my Master’s in Interactive Technology as a Programmer from Southern Methodist University, Guildhall in 2021. I’m extremely passionate about programming and design in all it’s forms. I love spending time on fixing minute details and optimizing my code. I also enjoy working in a team environment as it gives me multiple perspectives and solutions to a problem. The learning process is accelerated and made fun when tackling problems in a smarter yet simpler way, this comes with good communication and team culture.

About Me

Graphics and Engine Programmer

“The journey,

not the destination matters.”

Rahul Gupta | Graphics Programmer | Engine Programmer | Phoneix Engine

Professional Projects

PC | Xbox Series X/S | Steam Deck
Steam | Epic Store | GOG Store | Xbox Store

Developed using Unreal Engine (UE4)

Home: Professional Projects

Team Projects

PC Game | Steam Released |

Developed using Unreal Engine (UE4)

Android Game | Developed using Unity Engine

Home: Team Projects

PC Game | Steam Released |

Developed using Unreal Engine (UE4)

C++ (Custom Engine) Solo Projects

Phoenix Engine Logo

Developed in Phoenix Engine | 

C++ | DirectX 11

Billboarded Particles.gif

Developed in Phoenix Engine | 

C++ | DirectX 11

Back Face Culling 2.png

Developed in Phoenix Engine | 

C++ | DirectX 12

Home: C++ (Custom Engine)
Fantasy Ball Phoenix Game Engine C++ DirectX 11 Breakout Clone

Breakout clone | Developed in Phoenix Engine | 

C++ | DirectX 11

Get In Touch

Mobile: +91-741-507-2700 


©2020 by Rahul Gupta.

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